- InvalidArgumentException
- UnhandledAlertException
- NoAlertPresentException
- InvalidSelectorException
- NoSuchElementException
- TimeoutException
- NoSuchSessionException
- ElementNotVisibleException
- StaleElementReferenceException
- Compound class names not permitted
- Element not clickable at point (yy, zz)
- NoSuchFrameException
- NoSuchWindowException
InvalidArgumentException is thrown when we do not include https:// or http:// in the url.
Notice below, we get InvalidArgumentException since https:// is missing in url
To resolve this exception, we have to simply include https:// as shown below
Now if you run, there is no exception and the website launches
We get UnhandledAlertException when we try to close the browser without accepting or dismissing the alert.
So let us launch
There is ‘Confirmation Alert’ button at the page bottom
Click the button, the alert popup comes up
If we try to close the browser without clicking ‘OK’, we will get UnhandledAlertException.
See below, line#15 clicks the button and the alert pops up. Without accepting this alert, we are closing the browser (line#16)
To resolve UnhandledAlertException, we have to simply accept the alert, see below, we don’t get the exception now
NoAlertPresentException is thrown when selenium tries to accept or dismiss an alert that is not yet displayed.
To resolve this, selenium should wait for the alert to display.
InvalidSelectorException is thrown when there is a syntax error in xpath.
See below, we have an extra closing square bracket ]
When we run the script, we get an exception
Simply correct the syntax to resolve the exception
Now there is no exception and the page opens
This exception is thrown when the element is not found on the webpage. In the below case, the xpath is incorrect and hence Selenium is not able to locate the element
Selenium, by default, waits indefinitely for a website page to load. However, we can instruct selenium to load the page within ‘t’ seconds.
TimeoutException is thrown if the page does not load within ‘t’ seconds.
In the example below, we have set the page load timeout limit of 3 seconds. Notice that we get an exception, since the website page did not load within 3 seconds
To resolve this exception, you can increase the page load timeout.
NoSuchSessionException occurs when we try to perform an operation on a closed browser session
ElementNotVisibleException is thrown when an object is present in DOM (document object model) but it is hidden on the web page. This exception can also occur if the object is not properly loaded. Thus, if selenium tries to perform an operation on hidden element, ElementNotVisibleException will be thrown.
In line#17, we are creating a reference to the text area.
In line#18, we are refreshing the page and in line#19 we are trying to use the reference we created in line#17 which is no longer there (the reference becomes stale since the page is refreshed). Thus we get StaleElementReferenceException
Compound class names not permitted
Notice below in line#16, there is a space between 2 classnames. In this scenario, we will get ‘Compound class names not permitted’ error
To resolve this, we should replace spaces with . within classnames, example
Element not clickable at point (yy, zz)
This error occurs when the element is not at the expected exact location. Due to this, selenium does not click the element.
NoSuchFrameException is thrown when selenium is not able to find the desired frame
NoSuchWindowException is thrown when selenium is not able to find the desired window
So these were the various exceptions in selenium.